This an exact replica of a Modoc bow from the second half of the 19th century. The bow is 36" juniper with 4 layers of sinew applied in 2's, 2 weeks apart. The bow pulls 56# @ 18". I always like to add how it shoots. It shot a 25" arrow, drawn 18" 186 yards. The bow has a heavy early draw weight. In conjunction with this the bow takes an immediate reflex when unstrung after being taken to full draw repeatedly.
The paint is all earth pigments I have collected while walking about. One of the pictures has the paint. A red clay like soil. the white- a soap stone like rock, and the black, charcoal from juniper shavings from this bow. The paint was mixed with hide glue for binder.
The tips and handle are wrapped with rawhide, and the string is 2ply deer backstrap. These little bows are no joke!
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