This is only my third bow, and my first osage. I got the stave from fellow Missouri forumite Steve last fall, and this is how she turned out.
This was an excellent stave for a first-timer; no knots, pins, or defects. Just a tad undersized, which meant that I had to make the limb tips rather narrow to have the string run centered through the handle.
I shot for a slightly lighter 45# at 28" draw weight than the board bow I made, to make it easier for my advanced age and infirmity
The bow draws very smoothly, even at the end of the draw. A sweet shooter, so far. That snakeskin is a blacksnake, also furnished by Steve. I used the Knox gelatin method, and it seemed to work just fine. The ends are wrapped with serving thread and epoxied.
The handle material is a nice bit of Italian leather from one of my wife's old purses. (Don't worry, she donated it!)