Main Discussion Area > Arrows

snakeskin cresting

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One of the fairly recent back issues if PA has an article that Mickey wrote about snakeskin cresting for arrows. I have a PatB copperhead crested arrow that's really cool looking.

Pat B:
I believe I used fletch tape over skins.   Pat

Justin Snyder:
I remember that article Hillbilly. I just cant remember which issue it was.  ;D Justin

Justin Snyder:
I found it Hillbilly. "Simple Snakeskin Arrow Cresting" by Mickey Lotz  Summer 2005     Justin

I think a snake skin crest directly under the fletching would look really cool.  And the sinew wraps on either end of the fletching would ensure that the ends of the crest never peel up, regardless of what kind of finish is used.  And with a spiral wrap, the feathers wouldn't even have to be glued down.  In fact, the seam of the crest could even be cut at an angle so that one of the fletches covered it when placed on at an angle.

I'm going to have to give this a try.


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