Author Topic: Rock Check??  (Read 3055 times)

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Offline AncientArcher76

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Rock Check??
« on: July 22, 2010, 10:46:08 pm »
Hi guys doing some rockhounding stumbled on something unique?  Can it be some kind of volcanic glass in NY state???  I found near bylooking like coral with chunks of the same stuff in it.  Not sure if it is limestone kinda looks like it.  Anyway I found in a river that has veins of a few diferent types of chert running through it I didnt find any flint found some black waxey looking chert  Can it be I found Volcanic glass in NY STATE???  Im impressed for whatever it is some is bubbly most is a dark green with grey bands or swirls running through it, I found one that was nearly black.  It was up and down the river ranging from fist sized cobbles to chunks that were size of a football.  Smooth rounded surface.  Here it is...

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Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 10:54:24 pm »
A few more...Also I got a box of rock with some real nice chert dont know what it is called it is brick red on the outside and cream colored in the middle came from OK the red stuff...

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Offline FlintWalker

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 11:22:41 pm »
That thar would be "slag" glass. It's a by-product of an iron ore operation. ;)
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Offline Bill Skinner

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2010, 11:49:38 pm »
Yep, definately slag from iron or sreel production.  It is all ove Tannehill Park, if you can find a chunk that is not full of cracks, it knaps just like obsidion.  Some pieces are better than others, a lot of them also have "snowflakes" or pieces of ash in them.  Bill

Offline Bill Skinner

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2010, 11:52:01 pm »
The red on the outside, cream in the middle sounds like keokut.  That is a guess, might be able to tell with a picture.  Bill

Offline jamie

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2010, 06:50:44 am »
that is some giant slag. never seen pieces that big round here.
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Offline cowboy

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2010, 10:39:41 am »
I was gonna say slag myself, nice chunks. Looks like ya sprung a little leak?
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2010, 07:03:49 pm »
I don't know anything about NY so I'm not going to argue with the slag conclusion, but I can show you a whole mountain of obsidian that looks just like it. It must have been outside for a lot of years, it sure has a lot of oxidation on the outside.
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Offline sailordad

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2010, 07:42:33 pm »
like Justin i know squat aboot NY,but more than likely slag,
however i do have some obsidion that loks exactly like that first pic
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Offline caveman2533

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2010, 01:33:50 am »
When you chip it especially thru some of the bubbly areas, do you get some sulphur like smells, That is a dead giveaway it is slag. Slag is very common here in the North east. some of it dates to before the revolution.  No obsidian sources in New York.

Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2010, 01:23:44 pm »
Thanx guys I know obsidian wasnt likely but when u stumble on a hunk of glass like that was pretty exciting.  Come to find out in the late 1700's the Dutch were mining up over the hill for Iron and there are 3 big huge tunnels that no one knows how they got there.  Awesom type in 3 tunnels  ellenville / pinebush and look at those pics...I found them through researching the glass!!!!  WOW....

Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
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Offline sailordad

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2010, 07:13:48 pm »
after looking at those pics again
i think i have some advise for ya
just for your own safety,i seen all that blood in that one pic,box up all that slag glass (it is dangerous stuff )
send it too me,i wont bleed as bad,i use mostly obsidion and dont have much blood left anyhoo  ;D
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
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Offline AncientArcher76

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Re: Rock Check??
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2010, 08:44:20 pm »
Yeah my mistake I had sandles on and a chunk went down my shoe when I stood up...well 250lbs dont take much went right through the ball of my foot I almost had to go to the ER when I remembered ClintEastwood bit down on a stick and touched his wound with a hot poker.....ah eh eh eh ahhhhhh ...........................wa WA WAAAAA!!!!

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Time, dedication, cuts, tons of broken rock, a wife, and perhaps a few girlfriends are some of what it takes in becoming a skilled flint knapper!!!
"Ancient Art"  by R. Hill