Ever since Rich Rousseau's article "Building Authentic Ottawa Bows" came out in the Feb/Mar issue of PA, I've been a little more than obsessed with short, scalloped style bows that he makes so well. I knew then I'd have to make at least one of these. After reading the article many times, however, a few technical questions remained. Naturally, I asked around on the boards and everyone redirected me to "half eye", or Rich's handle on the message boards. What many mentioned is how helpful and friendly he would be. They were correct.
I emailed Rich several times before attempting my first Ottawa, and he always responded back promptly with tremendous insight and patience. What I expected was a "form letter" response to my inquiries, but "half eye" was always down to earth, sometimes apologetic if his responses were confusing, and never seemed to be bothered by my questions. After my first failed attempt at recreating one of these unusual bows, Rich gave me specific reasons why it failed and responded with pictures and diagrams to help. Most astonishing is when he took it upon himself to send me, via regular mail, a couple of real working rough Ottawa bows so that I could better understand the process. Few people anywhere would do such a thing without expecting to get something in return!
I promised Rich I'd post my first working Ottawa in the BOM since he insists in omitting his every month. Maybe doing so will encourage others to try this design. So, without further ado, I present the Rich Rousseau Tribute Bow in honor of a great bow-building mentor and one of the most giving individuals I've encountered.
The bow is 51" ntn, and comes out close to 35# at 26". I marked it at 24" for 'safety', but I know very well that I can draw it back to my full length with no problems. Solid hickory construction, it sports a deep red-brown stain and sealed with Tung oil. The decoration for this bow remained subtle in honor of our friend. Don't let the size fool you, this bow will zip an arrow as well as the big boys at similar weight.
To add, I think a better tribute will be to make several more of these bows and give them away, hopefully teaching at least one other person how to make them in the process. Perhaps half eye's Ottawa bow might become the official PIF bow of PA magazine!
Thanks for reading,
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