Hello from the United Kingdom I am a Long time reader of this site so thought it was about time I posted one of my bows that I have made
74 inch ntn 52LB @ 28 inch will draw to 30inch my draw lenght 57LB & 30 inch
Width at handle 7/8 of a inch tips 3/8 of a inch
Bamboo back, 1/16 IPE. 1/4 to 1/16 tapered Maple, IPE belly
Simple buffalo horn nocks and arrow pass
7 coats of Danish oil for the finish
One of my main concerns when working with IPE is the weight in the tips and keeping Hand shock to a minimum so that was the main reason for the Maple core I have found that it has worked very well with very little to no hand shock depending on the weight of the arrow
I am also very pleased with the contrast between the Bamboo,Maple & IPE

This has turned out to be one of the fasted longbows I have made with a excellent cast
The bow has Taken under 1/2 inch of set and after resting is all but straight

Now the full draw Picture

Hope you like the bow
I also have high hope for the bamboo in the background in a couple of years