Hi all,
I'm working on a pyramid bow with decorative tip overlays, all hickory, 58" ntn, linen backed, for peace of mind (mine

), and because the future owner will be decorating it with her coat of arms, etc., in a manner similar to this one
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,19406.15.html, except that she will be doing the artwork and final finish. The bow is for target use only, and the owner, who is petite, has requested a light draw weight of 30#@22".
So here's my question. One of the limbs has a persistent twist, meaning, as I lower the weight moving toward target, I've removed wood from one side of the belly, then the other, and it doesn't seem to have any effect. The string tracks right down the middle, and while it's not done yet, the tiller seems acceptable.
Should I remove more from the left, or the right (as seen in the pics), or is it an issue? I'm stumped.

Your learnings greatly appreciated, as always,
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