Main Discussion Area > Bows

"Chief Naughty Hedge"

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Justin, why not do a build-a-long on the angular bow.....I'd love to see how it's done.  ;D

That is an interesting idea, I might do that after obtaining my info and materials. I am having a hard time finding anthing, just a couple articles and some pics. I guess not alot of people are making these bows their are a few people on the ATARN site and I think Thimo is building one, he has shown some pics over on paleo planet. Other than that not a whole lot out there, but I do have a pretty good idea of what I am going to do. Justin

Pat B:
Someone a few years ago on PA built an Egyptian angle bow. Do a search in the archives.  Pat

Beautiful !

I remember Russell (Bowmonkey) built and posted one, but that's been many moons ago :)


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