Main Discussion Area > Bows

"Chief Naughty Hedge"

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Great job! ;D

WOW! Thats a great lookin weapon love the snake skins and all the pics.Well done.Hammertime

Like everyone says that is a fantastic bow!

  Justin, That is a very impressive bow.  We are often our own worst crittics and you have no reson to be intimidated with a bow like that. I think even the most crittical of bowyers would be drooling over that bow. Congrtaulations Justin, I hope to see more of your work.   Keenan

You are totally right Keenan I am my own worst critic. My biggest downfall is trying to go beyond my abilities, most of my failures are due to me trying to push the envelope, gotta SLOW DOWN. Right now I am gathering all the information I can on building an Egyptian angular bow, gosh why do I do this to myself? Thanks for all the encouraging comments, really has boosted my confidence.  ;D Justin


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