Finally got a new one done for myself, been busy building bows and working since graduation, one would have thought I would have been able to get it done sooner. Oh well.
One of my first successful hot box cured bows, this one is from a stave about... three months old? I kept it in the box during construction and right up until I got the finish on it. First bow I tempered the belly wiht the hot plate, since my heat gun is getting old and abused. Turned out well. No initial reflex, it stands at 1" string follow after long bracing and heavy shooting. I've put a few hundred arrows through it so far, it'd make a good hunting bow. Ebony stain, semi gloss spar urethane finish, squirrel skin wraps on the limbs. 67" ntn 2" wide for 10", mostly pyramid. 68# at 28", 72# at my draw. This has to be one of my best flatbows, and I could have gone alot more narrow on the pin nocked tips.
It got the name from my brother. We listen to rock in the shop when we're working. When I brought it in to let the finish cure he didn't know what to call it, so he asked, "So, what are you gonna do with Black Betty here?" At which point his eyes got big and he said "DUDE!" and the name just stuck

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