just another bow I will show you guys:
She is made out of a board of elm I found a few years ago in the holydays 'cause the hotel has furniture of elmwood from a local carpenter. I phoned him and a few days later I got the board.
The first bow was for my wife.
This one is the second bow out of the board: 62" NTN, 45 lbs @27", 1 1/2 " wide after the fades until midlimb and the tapered to 3/8" at the tips. The tips with a tiny little recurve. she is backed with cherrybark from local forest
, the grip is from leather with a lacebinding and she is a got shooter. After shooting she has less than 1" stringfollow.
At last the bad message: Full draw pics are available after my wife will have time to take the pics
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