I am looking for some skins to put on my wife's 62" bow and also something to put on a bow that I have on order with a bowyer. Given the length of the bows, each bow will most likely require to 36" skins, which of course must match so upper limb and lower limb appear to be of the same snake even though different.
1. Especially interested in something a bit "flashy" for her like a blue racer, grey banded kingsnake, or a milk snake..., while
2. I myself would be interested in a matched pair of western diamond backs, boa, or maybe some type of banded water snake, but other snake skins would be considered.
I prefer to use a hide the is light weight as to not impede a bows performance any noticable amount. I am also not interested in skins that have holes in the useable sections.
I bought these pelts at an archery shoot a few years ago and I don't know how they were tanned, but I can say they are very soft and supple and still look the same as when I bought them, so apparently they are properly tanned. Although there are 3 pelts in the photo, I will only have 2 available for trade and I am looking for enough snake hide to cover 2 bows, each of which are 62" long.