43" ntn, 25# at 18". 1" diameter Saskatoon sapling.
This bow started out as an attempted bark on sapling bow but a nasty knot and dry bark ended that experiment. So with the leftovers I decided to make myself a little short bow to shoot around in the backyard with the kids instead of pulling out the big and dangerous looking ones...

Spent a bit of time scrapping off the old, dried on bark, cut out some pin nocks, and got busy with the rasp. The one tip had natural reflex so i used the heat gun to add a little reflex to the other tip and balance it out. Ended up gluing on a piece of rawhide on the belly side of the handle due to a couple pin knots that ran across the belly. Finished it off with a hemp string handle and red B50 to cover up the rest of the rawhide.
Only shot it a few times but was really surprised with how well it shot and how quick it was for only being 25#'s and using relatively heavy arrows. Here's some pics. Thanks for looking.
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