Any white wood like hickory can develope string follow when only a month cure.You could put the bow in a corner and let it dry some more. I reverse flex my bows all the time and never have had any damage, except popped a handle once or twice.As a manner of fact, you could stretch out the bow across a couple of saw horses and tie a gallon milk jug full of water on the bow( reverse bow) and induce reflex. let dry for a couple of days. Then let it set for a couple of weeks . You could back the bow at this point if you chose too.Hickory sucks up water like a sponge. I make a lot of board bows and have the wood kildried and I have had 8% go to 22% by changing the location of the wood. Hope this helped. If your bow was seasoned, I wouldn't recommend the reverse jug method. I have tried to straighten bows after they developed set, and they always go back to string follow. Denny