Main Discussion Area > Bows

New prize/gift for BOM contest winners

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With the approval of PA's management I have arranged to give a simple but special and distinctive prize to winners of the BOM contest. This prize is a way of recognizing the talent and contributions to the PA online community and a way for me personally to say thanks to all those that support and promote this great hobby of primitive archery.

The prize is my version of a "virtual" trophy for you to have and for all the world to see your accomplishment. Winners of the BOM contest will receive a special email address of their choice at the inernet address of For example The only people who will ever have one of these specail email addresses are winners of the BOM contest or moderators of the PA message board.

The email account will be yours to keep and has been setup to use Googles web email access or your own email program like Outlook. Winners of BOM just need to contact me with what they would like to have for their address and I will activate the account for them.

Great, now I'll never win ;D ;D ;D

Mighty nice of you Marvin to do that.There are the nicest folks around here. :)

Justin Snyder:

--- Quote from: Agbowyer on April 03, 2007, 01:02:36 pm ---Great, now I'll never win ;D ;D ;D

--- End quote ---
Some of us quit worrying about that a long time ago. Its a good thing we enjoy making bows and ain't doing it to win.  ;) Justin

I just want to clarify that these special email addresses are retroactive and any previous winner of the BOM contest can request an address of their choosing.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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