Hi all,
Ever since I met Gary Davis at the Tennessee Classic, where I watched him be so patient and helpful to dozens of student bow builders for several days in a row, and from sun-up to midnight and beyond... giving advice that was heart-felt, well earned, and tightly packaged...I wanted him to try my StavePress and give his straight up opinion.
Well, I didn't bother him at the Tenn. Classic, because he was literally too busy.
I saw him again this past weekend at the far end of the Cloverdale grounds... he was still pretty busy. But I had an inside track on getting his attention... my demonstration booth was near the bar-b-que stand!
Sure enough, on the second day I was demoing the StavePress by stripping off some yellow wood from a hard stave when Gary tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "What do we have here"?
I spent just half a minute telling him about what the StavePress does for you, when he asked to hold my drawknife. He spent some time hauling strips and chunks off the stave- saying that this thing was really impressive. Then he abruptly said he had to go and get his draw knife. So he walked clear across the grounds to his area, retrieved his customized draw knife, and went to work at the stave again.
Shortly, he stopped and said that he would whole-heartedly recommend the StavePress to anyone who builds bows! He said, "The StavePress works, is dependable, and versatile [because it is portable]. It holds the wood much better than a vise, and is a heavy student-proof unit."
I am very proud to have someone who is so well respected in our bow-building community, and such a decent guy, endorse the StavePress!
Here are myself and the mentor at Cloverdale...