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  • Derbyshire Archery Tournament: June 26, 2010 - June 27, 2010

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Offline Calendargirl

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Derbyshire Archery Tournament
« on: June 17, 2010, 07:37:36 pm »
June 26-27
Muskegon County Fairgrounds
6621 Heights Ravenna Road, Fuitport, MI
Open Shoot 10 am to 2:45; Competition 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm each day Cost to participate: $5 charge to compete in the tournament. DONATIONS ARE ALSO GREATLY APPRECIATED. YOU MUST PAY THE FAIRE ENTRANCE ADMISSION TO COMPETE IN THE TOURNAMENT. Faire entrance admission: $9 adult, $5 children (5-12), and under 5 yrs are free. What: A 4 events Primitive and Traditional archery contest. This year the tournament will bring together PRE-Modern Primitive Archery AND two styles of Modern traditions archery; Pre-modern Primitive archers that use pre-modern replica wood & wood composite bows and wood arrows AND Modern Traditional archers using modern wood & wood composite bows utilizing wood arrows and those who use non-wood arrows. There will be 3 separate competitions utilizing the same events, shoot at the same time, possibly in the same groups, but scored and awarded separately. What to Bring: Pre-modern Primitive or Modern Traditional wood, wood laminate, or other composite long bow or recurve bow, (No totally fiberglass bows, compound bows, or sights of any type, please), and at least 12 marked wood/non-wood arrows with field tips, natural or artificial feathers &/or knocks. **** There will be a limited number of Primitive and Traditional Bows & Wooden Arrows for people to try and use during the competition. Registration forms are available at www.derbyshirerenfaire. com,OR register on-site at Derbyshire.
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