Ashamed for what? That is cool!
You came up with it on your own, cool again
How do you think all the wondrous inventions we take for granted today, came about? Someone needed something, couldn't afford to buy something similar, and sat down, and solved the problem. Sam colt supposedly came up with the revolver, while at sea, and watching the steering wheel of the ship, and came up with the patterson colt, and progressed from there on. My Dad went through the Great Depression, and I am still amazed at some of the things he could make, that worked just as well as store bought. About the only improvement on your design, would be fancier wood. But unless you want to make some for gifts, stick with what you have. If it works, it works! And it sure works for me.
Why spend good money on something you can make? Plus the satisfaction of making it, and using it, knowing that YOU made it. And now it is helping you make arrows, and so on. Do you think our forefathers waited for the area they settled, to get a railroad, or the stage, so they could get the tools, and equipment they needed to homestead? Ever see a home made corn sheller? My Grand father made a potato chip slicer for my mother. Basically just a finished piece of half inch oak, with half inch railings, and a slot cut in the middle of the larger board, which was about 9-10 inches long, and about 4-5 inches wide. A piece of steel was drilled, with two holes, in it, and one edge had a bevel on it, and honed to very sharp, and you could adjust the cutting depth, to make thinner, or thicker chips. Basically like an upturned wood plane.
It works very well!
My Dad used to make butter churns, buckets, and barrels when he was a kid. Most of his life growing up, if he didn't make it, he didn't have it. Lots of people used to make their own barrels, rather than go down to the hardware store, and buy them. They didn't have the money to waste on something they could make! Besides most of the barrels down there, they made! Don't ever feel ashamed of something you made instead of buying one. Yeah, maybe you can get one out of better material, or with more bells and whistles, but the key to all of this is, does it suit your purpose, and does it work? That is the bottom line! Great Job Kegan!
Yes I, like a LOT of others here who read this Will copy it too !
And I thank you for it.