I think I have made a hunt on almost every opening day of Missouri's squirrel seasons since I can remember except when I was out of country serving in the US Army.
Our season always opens the Saturday before Memorial day. This year I will at least be out there trying....lol but unlike previous years, this year it will be with bow only.
I plan on getting to the woods early Sat. morning. But I don't think I'll pull out the grill beforehand waiting to BBQ any squirrels though, because this year I will not use my rifle or shotgun(Disclaimer-on opening day) or at least that's the plan unless I get really hungry for the taste of tree chicken..lol
I WILL have an alternate menu in mind...lol
I wanted to make this post for another reason that's not archery related.
Please!!!! Remember our veterans... more the ones that didn't make it back or who still suffer the results of war.
I'm not bragging or complaining but I can tell you from 1st hand experience if you've ever been in one(a war) then you will always suffer from it whether it shows to others or not. Not all of the wounds of war are visible to eye.