Ok, here is my dollar two seventy five worth. My Girlfriend used to use to re-glue her temporary crown. I told her not to do that.
When I was a Dental Lab Tech in the early Seventies, we used to use it, and on the label on the tube, it did not say harmful if swallowed, etc. It just said Fatal!

No warnings other than that ! It just assumed if you could read, you were smart enough not to ingest it, or get into your system. I guess the new stuff, is "cya" safe. Or safer than the stuff we used. but, we also used to work with mercury, and I would take home a pound of two of it at a time to practice making amalgams. Now they will shut down an entire building if a few drops of it is left exposed ! Which they did a few years ago at the school where I went, but not at the dental lab, it was in another part of the school. Anyway, Cowboy, if you want to stick to the natural, just keep yourself a couple of those little black pepper packets, you get at the fast food places, handy. Put the black pepper directly onto the cut, and it will stop bleeding immediately. No it does not sting, and burn. There is a very minor sting at first, and then is gone, and there is no recurrence of stinging, or burning. You barely notice it. But it is good for razor nicks, small cuts, etc. I would imagine, in quantity, it would also stop a large cut from depleting your facial color, and increasing your heart rate, and breathing, getting weak and dizzy, tingling in the hands and feet, shorness of breath, and fading to black.

Unless you just naturally react to blood like that anyway. Especially your own !
