What is really primitive?? The primitive mindset was firstly practical and only secondly concerned with looks, Primitive people used what was at hand to get the job done, they didnt imitate other peoples bows from the past, purely for their looks and style!!!. So are we on about primitive replicas, or bows made with a primitive attitude?? Judging anything by it looks is a bit shallow! Just stirring the pot a bit 
Dragonman, this comes up time and again, but is such an interesting topic and thought exercise.
My opinion is that there is no way to really become “primitive”. We are creatures of our educations, religions and philosophies, our cultures, our technologies, our relationships, and our societies. We are born into and trapped in the here and now and live in the modern world, and the education and knowledge and customs we have acquired will always be an intrinsic part of our makeup.
You can strive to get in touch with a Neolithic or medieval or Viking or 19th century ancestor, but can never really succeed. Even if you make a bow with stone tools and all accurate materials, you travel to the tree cutting site in modern clothing in your car or on foot in your modern boots using modern roads, then going home to your electrically-lit shop in your modern home, breathing polluted air, listening to traffic pass on a distant road, and so on. Overhead is a small aircraft, and then your cell phone rings, ruining the mood entirely.
I do think that you can get in touch a wee tiny bit with a bowyer of any period, as we essentially do the same thing as a bow maker of 10,000 years ago. The same skills and craftsmanship are used, and the same goal is there, to tiller and craft a wooden spring to fling little feathered sticks at a target. Every bow we make – Holmegaard, ELB, AFB, Asiatic composite, Viking yew, Native American short bow– is state of the art for their time and place and requirements. The only true primitive bow is the very first one, which is lost in time.
I like thinking of making a bow as invoking the ghosts of our past. They swirl around us always, and making a bow brings these revenants closer to our conscious existence, but the phantoms are always out of reach.