i stated earlier that i dont and wont enter BOM
thats a personal thing like i said,to me it appears to be a beauty/friendship contest.
i am way way to competitve to want to enter the contest.
wheni get into a competition i like to WIN.i do my best at every contest(that i enter) to make it happen.
i think to get away from being a beuaty/friendship contest the bows should be shot to be judged(not that i would have a better chance).
but that would be the true judgement of what bow was the best for that month.
i dont enter BOM because i dont want to be competitive with my hobby.
i do love looking at alll the pics every month though.,and even vote when there is a bow that i feel is worth voting for.
you guys make some very nice looking bows.mine are never very pretty,never have skins and tip overlays etc.
hell mine rarely even get a leather handle.
but they shoot hard,fast and sometimes even accurately

so no more arguing please,the more this argument drags out.
the better chance that the powers that be would consider getting rid of the BOM just to put an end to the bickering.
if you enter BOM,great
if you dont,thats great too.
the important thing is to let the ones enter that want to,the ones that done enter well thats our choice.
but i dont think its fair to either side of this discussion to get down on the other side for their choices.
like i said
this is my hobby
i dont do it to be competitive,i do it to have fun and relax and put a smile on some poor suckers face when they walk out of my yard
with a stick in their hands and points in their pockets