I may as well weigh in here. I personally love the contest. If nothing else, compiling each month's entries into a thread makes for easy browsing. It's an amazing resource for anybody looking to
steal I mean learn and apply some great ideas.
It's also a good motivation to improve. If there wasn't some competition of some sort in all aspects of life, we'd be North Koreans. No possibility of reward or recognition, no incentive to work.
I tend to vote for pretty or unique bows, with the exception that I'm a little sick of "Osage, can you see?" Snakeskin has already become for me, like Sailordad's tag line "the Harley Davidson; THE thing to ride". It's like tattoos. When everybody thinks it's cool is when its coolness is long past gone. Sorry, I'm probably pushing a few peoples' buttons right now...

Snake looks cool, but unless there's something else to it, it won't get my vote. I'm also
slightly biased against The Usual Winners. I'll vote for them, I have immense respect for the quality and consistensy of their work, but I tend to look for reasons to vote for somebody else.
If it's not functional and hunting weight, it won't get my vote, usually.
I really,
really, REALLY want to win the contest. I like hats; free hats are best; and trophy hats are best of all. And that's why I wish everybody would participate. When certain makers of outstanding bows refuse to enter, it cheats the monthly winner out of some of his well-earned respect. Because who's to say one of those unentered bows wouldn't have gotten more votes? It's not a real win if the competition forfeits.
Above all, the competition IS fun. This whole site is about fun, and the contest is our monthly recognition of the fun, our Oscar ceremony, our Stanley Cup.
In closing, please vote for my D bow when it shows up. My forehead is getting tragically sunburned.