Author Topic: Bow blank for backing  (Read 8387 times)

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Offline Kegan

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Bow blank for backing
« on: May 23, 2010, 07:19:08 pm »
I have a bamboo backed ipe blank that I somehow never got around to finishing it, and with graduation coming up I figured it'd like a nice home. It's about 68" or so long and 1 3/4" wide. It was originally meant to be upwards of 75#, so there's plenty of wood to work with. Backing's tempered.

I'm looking for a hickory backing for a D bow I'm working on (1 1/4" wide and 68" long) but I'd be happy with sinew too.

PM me if you're interested. Oh, and sorry about the crummy pictures. The lighting wasn't the best for pictures and I did what I could on the computer :-X

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Offline El Destructo

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Re: Bow blank for backing
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2010, 07:29:52 pm »
PM sent........
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