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Advice on reflex adding forms.

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One thing that might help you, is to use a very slight concave surface where both back and belly meet. It allows the joint to sit tight on the edges vs rolling up at the edges like a flat gluing surface might with a lot of clamping pressure.

   JUstin dude !----you are so NEAT and you are clean too ! Wow-must be the better half's influence or maybe demands . I know mine demands and then I pay no attention of course ! :D........bob

Pat B:
A good pressure strip of wood or metal helps to keep things consistant and especially with hickory backing, unless you glue it up with the backing down on a solid form, the pressure strip will keep the backing from curling up when the moisture from the glue sinks in.
   I prefer spring clamps over screw clamps. I have had screw clamps loosen while in the hot box. Whether the clamp loosens on its own or the wood shrinks when it heats, I don't know.   Pat

Justin, nobudy gets sick of this stuff. Excellent use of natural resourses, and you could do it on the kitchen table its so clean. Your clamps are #1

Dick Bernier

Justin what kind of wood are you gluing that backing to in the pics? Did it hold up with that knot in the limb? Looks like cherry?


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