Yeah, yeah, you have a recessive gene. Ok. Pine trees there, I said it. See even I knew what they were. Sheesh! You're killing me. I still can't run a long flake!
Why don't you take a five year hiatus, and go to ........oh, say, maybe a monastery, in some extreme remote place, and meditate for awhile, you know, no phone, no computer, no mail, email or snail. Just you and your fellow monks, just wearing those dark brown hooded bathrobes, and your flip flops, or sandals, and not talking, just an occasional chant, now and then. Just think how calm and relaxed you will be after that!
No stress about wondering if you can make a point, or blade out of a strange piece of rock. Oh, and you can't be in a monastery that has access to knapple rock, either. Well, when can I get your ticket for you? Hey, it's on me. No, really, it's on me. Just let me know where the monastery is. No a nudist camp doesn't count! Well, I guess it would take your mind off of knapping. .......
But you would just be trying to make other kinds of points......
Ok, Ok, those are fantastic! Now pick a monastery!