If you heat treat the belly lam before glue up it shouldn't be a problem. Once the lams are together it would be difficult trying to get the belly hot enough without degrading the glue. I think Urac can take more heat than the other common glues...but can it take that much?. As long as you give the belly lam time to rehydrate before stressing you should be OK, but that might not be a factor as far as compression goes. I don't know. It is with tension. When you heat treat(temper) wood you dry it but also harden. You still have to rehydrate but the hardness remains. It has solidified the resins within the wood.
James Parker(robustus) tempers the bamboo bellies for his bows before he glues the lams. If you watched him temper his boo you would be surprised just how "heat treated" they are.

Your local fire dept should be on stand by!