So I was looking around my garage and realized, I think that I can make a bow from some of this extra "junk" I have laying around.

I got the billets in an order from rudderbowsarchery I think that they just set them as packing so the backing that I ordered for another bow wouldn't get broken. The handle came from a piece of 2x2 oak that came from god knows where and the tips were two scraps of ebony left over from the tips on a yumi I am still working on.
I wanted to get a yumi style handle so I cut about a 13' angle on and glued and screwed the billets on to it. Then took them from 1.25" at the handle to .5" at the tips. Just had to remove a little bit of wood for the tiller and it pulls exactly 20# at 28" which is what I was going for to shoot some of the rabbits in mine and my neighbor's yards.
He is an enthusiastic golfer so I went with a golf tee rest, (Thank you Gordon!) that I found on the tee-box across the street and wrapped it with a scrap of leather that was left over from another handle. The handle is really comfortable to shoot I think that I may try to incorporate a similar one into a board bow in the future. The bow is backed with a 4' piece of fastflex I had left over from another project as well.
The arrows are also the first half dozen that I made cut the tips out of an old skill-saw blade tempered them and sharpened them up. They are mounted on 5/16" dowels that I did buy. The cock vanes are turkey from my brother-in-law's first turkey he shot this year.
Over all the bow measures 54" ntn and has about 3" of deflex designed into it, although it turns out it was probably not necessary. It pulls 20# at 28" and my friend / neighbor said that he will send me some pics. of the bow's and his first kill.
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