Joe, I would love to stop by some time. I have cousins in Billings. In fact the Elder cousin is from Riverton, and his Daughter n Law, is from Thermopolis. They all live in Billings now. His Grand Daughter is getting married in August, so I will be there for that, but I won't have the time to make any side trips, as the "Newly Weds" are going to be staying at my place in Thompson Falls, for their honey moon.

I want to take them on the scenic tour, of the area. I should have them injuns figured out alright. My Father's grand mother was full Cherokee, and a good friend of mine is Apache.

When I was in the army, I had a Friend who was Sioux. He always wore his little beaded medallion, his Grand Mother made for him. One night, after a GI party, and everyone was sitting outside, and drinking a few beers, and smoking.......uh, yeah, smoking, ......we heard this drumming coming from inside, and this chanting, sing song, going on, and we go in, and there he is, sitting on his bunk, with the metal trash can turned upside down, and eyes closed, and just lost in his own world. Well being typical GI's, we didn't want to intrude on his tranquil meditation, so......yeah, right, we all grabbed what we could find for a drum, and kept up with him.

Didn't phase him one bit.....

We had one guy, whose last name was Eagle. One day were sitting around talking, and they were going to town, for the evening, and all of a sudden it hit me, and I started laughing out loud, and he somehow knew, when he said, you're going to do something to me aren't you? Why perish the thought.

Just go on out and have a good time.

Well they did. But when they came back in about 12 or 1 a.m. or so, Poor Mr. Eagle, was somewhat surprised at his bunk. I took the mattress, and bedding off. On each rack was the last name of the person sleeping in that bunk. Well, when he got back he found an Eagle's nest, instead of a mattress, and bedding!

Well what would expect for someone named Eagle?

I had gone over to the park next to us, and gathered bunch of sticks, and twigs, and leaves, and then proceeded to make an Eagle's nest. I took some feathers from my pillow, and lined it, and put some on the outside. Fortunately, he got a big kick out of it, and had to take pictures with it, and send them home. People must have thought I was nuts, I was laughing the whole time, I was gathering the materials.
I hope your elbow gets better, and you get to try out all those new bows. You need to put some of that Montana Emu oil on it! I hope all goes well with Elk calving. Our calf numbers was up a little bit from last year, which is good. Since they introduced the wolves, the numbers have declined. Thankfully they had a mild winter, so that helped. Keep your eyes peeled for the Griz. He would love to sneak in at dark, and grab a calf! Take care,