wel Nathan came over again yesterday(hes such a nice guy,nice having him over we seem to get along quit well)
we managed to finish tillering that stick of his,oh excuse me i meant to say we finished tillering his BOW.
thats what it is a bow.
we got it pulling 28" and 53#.if i remember right its 68" ttt
he wasnt real sure of his draw length so we checked it and hes pulling 26.5".but i figured we better tiller it out to 28" to be safe.
he shaped the handle area to fit the feel in his hand that he likes.i did the nocks for him.
all thats left is final sanding to get rid of tool marks and to put a finish on it.oh and a floppy rest too,minor things.
he did put an arrow thru it and s did i.man can that thing spit them hard.
it spits them out with some real authority,if he decides to hunt with it the critters better look out.
its fast, accurate and like i said it hits hard.
i know it looks a little stiff out of the fades,however acording to my "gizmo" it is bending there on both limbs.the gap is pretty even all the way
thru the limbs according to the "gizmo"
well heres a pic or two for you al to over analyze

let us know what ya'll think

all in all i think for his first bow he did quit well,i believe hes on his way to our addiction now.
i think he should make and appt with the Dr. as soon as possible

thanks for looking