...That is some awesome work, leapingbare. I have just begun my foray into daggers. My first step was to read DC's book 10 times. Next I traded some obsidian for some " high quality swedish black and blue flint". Once I got the flint I found out why they call it that- that's the color of my leg! I have been spoiled by obsidian! In obsidian, i can take a palm-sized flake with an antler bopper and have finished bifaces up to 16 inches. With this stuff, I have a hard time getting one the size of a quarter and had a heck of a time with a 5 inch dagger.! Any suggestions? For my first dagger, i chose a mini type 3. I got the square cross section handle, but the median ridge was not sharp enough for stitching. the whole thing is 5 inches long. The flint is dark brown, waxy, and translucent in thin section. I believe it's Senonian or Danien. I'm looking foreward to a long painful relationship with my 30 lbs of swedish flint!
Aaron ...
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