Author Topic: Lots of Primitive Materials for Trade (lots of pics)  (Read 11188 times)

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Offline samuraiwarrior

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Lots of Primitive Materials for Trade (lots of pics)
« on: June 06, 2010, 09:40:02 pm »
Fletching: I’m looking to trade wild Canadian Goose feathers for barred turkey feathers. I have both raw and ground fletching and will trade for the same in turkey feathers. I have been using goose feathers for all of my arrows and I love it, but I’m getting tired of the gray/black color on everything. I love the look of barred turkey though.
Here’s what I have:

5x 4” right wing
2x 5” right wing
4x 6” right wing
2x 5” left wing
41x 6” left wing

Raw (with quill attached)
16 right wing (primaries and some of the first large secondaries)
21 left wing (primaries and some of the first large secondaries)

Raw (cut from a wing)
22 right wing (primaries and some of the first large secondaries)
8 left wing (primaries and some of the first large secondaries)

So just let me know if you would like to do a trade. Turkey primaries and secondaries both work perfectly for me.

Axe Heads:
I have these 2 axe heads for sale or trade. I found them when camping once a few years ago. I cleaned them up with some sandpaper but they still have that vintage, pitted look to them. I put a quick edge on them with a grinding wheel but you might want to touch up the sharpening depending on what you want to do with them. The double sided axe has no name, while the other has “Plumb” stamped on it.

Bandsaw Blade Section:
I was going to make a knife out of this but I just haven’t had the time to work with it. It is 2” wide from the back to the valley of the teeth and a solid 1/16” thick. It is very tough and hard. Good for your knife or broadhead project.

Birch Bark Strips:
These were purchased through Thomas Duvernay in South Korea when he was selling some of the horn bowyer’s old materials because he had health problems and could no longer work. I have 13 whole pieces that average 1.75” x 10”. There is also one smaller piece that has been cut to smaller dimensions. There are some splits on the ends and one or two folded corners but there is enough material here to easily cover a good sized self bow back. I decided not to use birch bark on the back of the horn bow I am in the process of making.

Water Buffalo Horn: I have a ton of water buffalo horn that I need to get rid of. Some pieces do have cracks/checks running along the grain but I have mostly found it to not be a huge issue if you are cutting up the horn to do something with it. They have some beautiful rough and rustic finishes to them that would be perfect for different applications.

Lot 1-- 2 Large Tips. These are completely solid all the way through and are about a food long around the curve. One has had the tip sawn in half about 2”. These are very hefty and have a lot of material to work with.

Lot 2--16 Smaller Cross Sections. Some of these are thin walled, and some are nearly solid the entire way through. Check the pictures to see what you are getting. They are cut into smaller pieces so probably more useful for small knife handle scales or bow tips/arrow nocks.

Lot 3--5 Large Cross Sections. These are cut into larger pieces and have pretty hefty walls. I’ve provided a few pictures to show what you are getting. They have a definite rough and smooth side. Great to slab into knife handles or other projects.

Lot 4-Nearly whole horn. I cut a strip off of the back of this horn as well as a few flat slabs from the base. The horn is more than half solid and has a ton of solid material to work with. I noticed this piece didn’t have any of the checks or cracks the others did if that makes a difference to you.

Lot 5--18 Smaller Tips. These are some of the smaller tips of the horns. Most are completely solid and should work as English Long Bow nocks or other smaller projects.

Lot 6--7 Larger Tips. These are a big larger than the ones in Lot 5 and have a lot of material to work with for larger projects where this shape might be needed.

Lot 7--2 Gemsbok Horn Strips. I was going to use these for a hornbow belly but I have water buffalo strips and don’t have time to use these. One has been flattened with a heat gun and mostly flattened out but the other is pretty raw. They are around 16” long and should be wide enough for most hornbow designs.

Lot 8--7 Random Pieces. These are just some random pieces, what you see is what you get. Good for small projects.

More detailed photos on everything can be seen here:

For trades, I am mostly looking to get some blades as I was given an antler that I want to use as knife handles, turkey or pheasant wing feathers, back sinew, bamboo shafts or broadheads. I'm also interested in old files that I can grind into blades.

Let me know what interests you and I'm sure we can come to an agreement. I just need to get this stuff moved.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 09:47:16 pm by samuraiwarrior »

Offline rileyconcrete

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Re: Lots of Primitive Materials for Trade (lots of pics)
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 12:12:39 am »
PM sent

Thanks Tell
Tell Riley

Offline aero86

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Re: Lots of Primitive Materials for Trade (lots of pics)
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 12:50:24 am »
i have a bunch of barred turkey that has been split down the middle.  its all RW
profsaffel  "clogs like the devil" I always figured Lucifer to be more of a disco kind of guy.

Offline samuraiwarrior

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Re: Lots of Primitive Materials for Trade (lots of pics)
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 03:08:12 am »
Hey aero86, you want to trade some of those for goose feathers? The ground ones have likely already been spoken for, but I can split the raw feathers if you wanted them.

Offline aero86

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Re: Lots of Primitive Materials for Trade (lots of pics)
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 11:42:28 am »
yeah, id trade you for some.  ive got about 100 i think!  you have right wing?  i dont necessarily wanna get rid of that many though.
profsaffel  "clogs like the devil" I always figured Lucifer to be more of a disco kind of guy.

Offline KenH

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Re: Lots of Primitive Materials for Trade (lots of pics)
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2010, 03:17:23 pm »
Samuraiwarrior - got any waterbuff horn strips suitable for bowmaking that you're looking to part with?  I'm looking for something 3-6mm thick, 50mm wide, 15-18" long.  I don't have the equipment for sawing out pieces from whole horns.  I do have a sander (phew!) and know how to shape by oven baking...   PM me...
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Ken Hulme,
The Kilted Cook Personal Chef Service

Offline samuraiwarrior

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Re: Lots of Primitive Materials for Trade (lots of pics)
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2010, 08:09:51 pm »
KenH, I don't have any strips to trade. I am currently working on making a bow with the only 2 strips I do have. You could definitely cut some out of the remaining horn I have left.
This is the other full horn I have:

And you definitely don't need anything special to saw out strips. I did mine with a $6 coping saw and an old hacksaw my dad had in the garage. It just takes some patience.

Aero86, I'm going to send you a PM now so that we could hopefully get a trade for some goose to turkey feathers.