This is a bow im working on for my friend Josh. 65" ntn, currently still on the long string 55lbs @ 17". Havnt been able to brace it yet, close but not quite. This is the most reflex deflex that ive glued into a bow, so im not quite sure what the profile is supposed to be looking like. To me, it looks like just off the fades its bending a bit too much, especially on the lower limb.
You folks are really cranking out some sweet r/d bows lately, and im hoping you can help walk me through this one.
We're shooting for 60lbs @ 27". The handle is layed up hickory back, black walnut veneer the entire length of the bow, b/w power lam, another full length b/w veneer, osage core, b/w veneer, bocote, padauk, b/w veneer, padauk, b/w accent. He will be puttung on handle overlays after tillering as well.
Anyhow, enough talk here are the pics.