Main Discussion Area > Bows

first R/d bow how does this tiller look?

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good advice thanks.
My neighbor is building a bow exactly like mine except he changed the taper on his a little.Well anyway he came over today so I could show him how to tiller. I tillered mine with a leatherman multitool. it took me hours and hours and hours. We used a hand held belt sander clamped upsidedown with the triger locked on his and it took about an hour. live and learn I gues. Although I kind of like doing things the hard way. You get more satisfaction. I will try to post it when its done.

Here is  my bow all finished with a handle wrap and final seal. I took it to the range today and shot it through one of those speed checkers. I used 2018 30"long with 125gr. point. they shot 167 feet per second. I don't know if thats good or not but it sure seemed real fast. after lots of shooting the bow didn't change a bit.

a finnish native:
Thats some mighty fine work! I was thinkin on putting beaver on that arrow rest( I stopped using plain arrow rests when hunting for roe deer. I had stalked within 15 yards and then the arrow clicked to the rest. of coouse the deer heard it and escaped) , but that looks good too. and yes 167 fps is good for a wooden bow. that huntingbow of mine shoots 165 and that's more than enough for hunting.
how much go your arrows weigh?

I don't have a scale so I'm not sure  they are aluminum just because I don't have any wood ones right now.  They are designed for a 60# longbow Easton 2018 shafts 30" long with 125grain points. Anyone want to take a guess how much those weigh?

I posted these pics on the first page after I saw you can vote on it. Wow that would be crazy. I dont thik I have much chance next to some of those fine bows.


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