Main Discussion Area > Bows

first R/d bow how does this tiller look?

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Wibowyer, don't let a little stiffness in the outer limbs dull your feelings on this bow. You really did an overall good job! I like the tips as well, and looks like the finished bow is really going to look sharp! ;)

I don't want to ingnorantly go against the flow too much here but I would say the outer limbs represent perfect tiller for that style of R/D bow.  Look at all the high-performance hybrid R/D designs out there (Black Widow, Martin, and Tomahawk--to name a few) and they are tillered the same way.  I'm not saying that an R/D bow can't bend more in the tips, but I'm saying your tiller is exactly what many computer-aided-designs look like.  Because your outer limbs are reflexed, they are doing plenty of work even though they straighten out at full draw.  Go look at some 3 Rivers Archery adds and you'll see what I mean.  It looks awefully nice too.

             J. D. Duff

Edit--This is what I'm thinking of here:

If it works...DON'T FIX IT!   :D

Secdonly, don't let it bug you!  I think it looks great!

Sweet looking bow and a job well done. I like a true oil finish more than spar varnish.


Thanks again for the comments. Looks like I'm getting a mixed review on the tiller. That tells me I cant be far off. I'm taking your advice and not letting it bug me. I will shoot this bow a lot and hunt with it this fall. I want too see how it holds up and performs in the long run before I decide to change tiller on the next. If I get time I will try a straight profile bow this summer. Maybee bamboo/ hickory flatbow or something.   Thanks


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