Main Discussion Area > Bows

first R/d bow how does this tiller look?

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You've got me convinced! Very nice bow. (Your house looks like my brother's in Juneau, except he's got 4 feet of snow on the ground. (15' for Juneau -a new record). Got your fine bow bookmarked for March Backed Bow of the Month.

Let me say. You guys are great. I thought I would get ripped apart with criticism. I thought about it a while and decided that the tiller is good based on the fact that it is even and shoots fast with no shock or  noise. If I change it now I will definitely lower draw weight and possibly not gain a measurable amount of improvement in performance.
Thanks for the advice. I honestly didn't know if I would even get a working bow when I started. I am very happy and maybee addicted for life.
  Here are a few pics of it with the first few coats applied.I used leather dye on the boo and faded it a little with acetone. I used spray just to seal it. I'm thinking of finishing the last coats with something else. If you guys think that will work. Let me know. Again thanks for the comments.   Jesse

The outer third of the limbs are definetly a little stiff but not enough to worry about it if your happy with the way it shoots. I would just keep that in mind for the next one.... ;) over a very nice job! :)

Marc St Louis:
Nice bow and well tillered. As Ryan says there is a point about 2/3 of the way out that could bend a bit more but it's not worth worrying about it

I can see what you are saying and on my next bow I will watch closer. I wasn't actually sure what it was supposed to look like.  I put the short string on a little late I think. I thought the poundage was way high but once I put the shorter string on everything was different. Tiller was off and by the time I got the limbs looking the same it was 55# at 27" so I took it outside and had some fun. I love this bow but now that limb thing is bugging me just a little. Not enough to change it though.


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