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First Time Selfbow??
Iam new to the message board and very new to selfbows :-\
I am ready to take the step after hunting with glass backed bows and want to make a self bow. I know nothing about it except from what Ive read in Primitive archer.
Iam thinking a simple Osage bow, not backed or anything and maybe starting with a stave that just needs finished.
My question is: Does this seem like a reasonable place to start.
Thanks in advance :)
That's a great place to start. If you have access to a good stave, get right on it. Feel free to ask questions, and be sure to post your progress for all of us to see! ;D
It would probably be best to continue this on the 'bows' section of the website. :D
Great place to start!!!!
Yes start! Everybody who shoots should try to make at least one.It shows you alot about the mechanics of how the wood works.Restart this thread or move it to Bows and you will have more advice than you can take in... Good luck.
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