well hers the latest edition in Nathans quest on making a bow

hes actually making this 99.5% by himself,i have very little hands on interaction with this stick
well we will call it a bow since we did get it on a short string today,bends nicely too
Nathan is a good guy,takes direction quite well and is working his back side off on this bow.
i had the backing glued on and ready for him as promised.
i showed him how to trim off the excess and and then clean it up with a rasp.
then he worked on he tillering,all i did is help look at it after he scraped and scraped and scraped and took a breath and scraped some more

he also trimmed the handle down some,loolks good so far
he is quite proud right now,as he should be this thing is coming along nicely.
he took it home with him so he could do some clean up work on the side and such before we tiller any further
and to show his wife,i think she'll be happy for him.
any hoo hers a pic i took,its pulling about 16" right here.havent put it on a scale yet.we'll do that next time
we decided today which limb is which,lower to the left.
so now we will tweak the tiller on the upper limbs to get it bending just a tad better for where it will be pulled from
let us know what ya'll think

thanks for looking peace,