I love it when a plan works like it's supposed to. I thought I had this big boy last Saturday only to have him fly down 60 yards from me and walk in the other direction. That morning I watched him gobble on the roost for 40 minutes, gobbling about every 15 seconds, non-stop.
Well this morning, I set up about 200 yards from where he was last week and sat and hoped he was still roosting in the same Cypress Hammock. And he was. At 6:40 he started hammering again, just like last week. And this time I was sitting where he went the week before. Well he kept it up till 7:00 and I saw him fly down. When he hit the ground I started cuttin' and then shut up and waited. I knew I was reeling him in when he kept gobbling and getting closer. I finaly got him at 5 yards, that's why the head is in that shape.
18#, 9 1/2" beard and spurs starting to hook. One was an 1 1/2" and the other just a tad over an 1 1/2". One more week to go here.
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