I was working on my osage stave this evening and filed a few self nocks in several tonkin cane shafts up at my friend's workshop. I packed up and headed home and about a mile from his house, a hare ran out of the hedging and I ran him over. I stopped, reversed, confirmed it was/is dead and put it in a box in the boot (trunk) of my car. I just got home and have bagged it in plastic and put it in the fridge for working on over the weekend.
Bear in mind I've only ever worked on deer hides that were given to me before so this is a bit of an ambitious project, to say the least

I plan on skinning, gutting, cleaning and cooking it (assuming it's edible? - it's a hare not a rabbit, so not sure about the difference in meat).
Does anyone have any suggestions or advice for any of the stages? Should I gut before skinning or peel off the skin first? I've heard of rabbit skins being easy to just peel off in a fluid motion, if started properly? I plan on salting and tanning the skin with the hair on so want to use a blade as little as possible in removing it.
Nothing like jumping in at the deep end with both feet, eh? Now all I gotta do is to get a few more with some home made arrows

Thanks for any help you guys can offer.