Author Topic: Here's a situation to ponder  (Read 1843 times)

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Offline medicmikey

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Here's a situation to ponder
« on: April 17, 2010, 03:39:11 am »
So I started working on my second bow.  The plan calls for a 56" TTT pyramid hickory board bow.  It will be backed with 2 or 3 courses of elk leg sinew that I have processed and ready to go.  I'm shooting for 40-45# @ 26-27"  I roughed out the front profile and got ready to glue on a riser when I got an idea.  Since I have no access to power tools, and it takes a lot of time to work down the areas close to the fades with a rasp, I decided to go ahead and thin the 3/4" thick board down to 3/8" for the whole length BEFORE gluing on the riser.  So I grabbed my hammer and chisel and surform and went to town.  Well I've run into a snag in that I managed to very slightly round the new belly of the bow, so I can't glue the riser on.  And my efforts to flatten it out have only reduced the total thickness more.  Since the growth rings pretty much just run straight through edge to edge, I figured I may as well just work the whole belly down to a consistent thickness, flip it over (turning the belly into the back) and glue the riser on the smooth surface of the board.  Does anybody see a problem with this?  Or does anybody have a way to flatten the thing out to glue the riser on?

Offline Badger

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Re: Here's a situation to ponder
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2010, 03:49:17 am »
You needed to leave the riser area full thckness, if you glue one on now it will just pop off, might as well just make it a bend through the handle bow now and skip the riser, just wrap the area with rope or build it up with leather. You need a full 3/4" thick on hickory for the handle to stay, if it has flex it will just pop off. Steve

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Re: Here's a situation to ponder
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2010, 04:22:13 am »
With an Edge Grained Board...there is no reason that you could not just flip it over.....except for what Steve said....You hogged off too much meat already....a Riser Block will not stay now...just do a Build-Up Handle now....and let it bend as it will through the Handle....jmo
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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Here's a situation to ponder
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2010, 10:56:46 am »
What Steve said. The glued on piece has to sit on the board in such a way that the riser taper extends into the board.  It was a good thought though. :) Jawge
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Offline aero86

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Re: Here's a situation to ponder
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2010, 12:00:37 pm »
if you make it bend through the handle you might not have to back it, with the draw length and weight your lookin at
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Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: Here's a situation to ponder
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2010, 12:16:35 pm »
But pyramid bos have narrowed handles and that wouldn't work for a bend in the handle design. Jawge
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