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All about spine.

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If ya order shafts aren't they 32" and they are spined at 45-50# then you cut them to 29" Does this make them 60-65# now???
Subtract 5#/inch right. Arra's are tougher than bows I think. Lets say I have a 50# @ 28"self bow, average performance somewhere around 140-150 fps, bow is within 1/8-1/4" of being centershot, 125 gr point and I want a finished arra of 30". what spine weight do I order? Assuming store bought shafts are 32"
So Selfbow minus 10-15# and 2" longer than 28" add 10#,  45-50# spine right???

It would be nice if ya could order one arra shaft at time, sucks that ya have to order 12 at a time, makes getting the spine weight right kinda important at the price. Or at least it would be nice if ya could get a test kit of wooden shafts only ones I've seen are carbon shafts.


Pat B:
I believe that when you order arrows, even if they come 32" long, are spined at for a 28" arrow. Anything over or under 28" should be adjusted at approx 5# per inch either up or down. This spine weight includes a 125 gr point. For self bows subtract 10# to 15# of spine weight to get the arrow around the non-center cut bow. If you are dealing with tapered shafts, either artificial tapers as in store bought tapered shafts(either barreled or full taper), or natural tapers as in hardwood shoots(maybe even some softwoods) and canes, you can subtract 10# to 15# just for the taper because the arrow doesn't have to bend as far to get around the bow.
   I hope Art Butner see this. Art knows arrows, inside and out and has done an excellant job of explaining it to me. For me to process that info and try to explain it to you is a totally differant matter. ::)    Pat

Pat B: more thing...the weight of the arrow head effects the spine also. The more weight above the 125gr will decrease the spine weight, and vice versa.     Pat

Justin Snyder:
Dana,  Like Pat said, they are all spined for 28".  It is one of those AMO standardizing things. 
For a 50# self bow shooting 140-150 with 1/8-1/4" offset I would say,
50# - 10# = 40# for selfbow, (being almost center shot it would reduce the archers paridox)
40# +10# = 50# for 2 inches over 28
I would go with the 45-50# like you said because it seems to forgive a weaker arrow a little more than a stiff.

Some of the shaft retailers sell a 12 arrow kit with 3 arrow in each weight. 3@45 3@50 3@55 3@60.  My suppler doesn't offer it, but I called and asked them if they would put one together for me.  I got 2 dozzen, so I have 3 in each weight from 40#-75#  ;D

justin where do you get yer shafts??



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