Dang, boy, I learned a long time ago, with the same incentive on your arm, and hand, they think you are going to give em to the dog! Got a collar for the dog yet? Yeah, I don't grab a cat unless, I can assure I can get to it long before any dog, or other danger is close enough to scare it, other wise I go after whatever is causing the threat. Collar or no collar. Man, I hope you got it sterilized good after that. Need to get some of Jamie's Chaga now. Hey, when are you going to be home? I want to bring some bamboo over for you to take up to the classic for the head Yooper in Charge of da Troll crossing. I told Dana I would get him some bamboo. That would save me some shipping. Give me a call when it would be a good time to come over. I don't want to come over after you just got home from work, and had a bad day there though.
I don't want any red nose clamped down on my leg.
Especially if he smells my cat!