Our WalMart has it. Dana, a friend's Dad is an entomologist and did the studies on Permanone(the active ingredient in it) and said their main problem was getting it weak enough and a safe method of use so it would still kill the ticks, chiggers, etc and not harm humans.
If you hang your cloths on the cloths line and spray them down well, let them dry for 15 to 20 minutes you can wear them safely. Since I started using Permanone I've never had a tick when I used it. The effects will last on your cloths for quite a few days and even through a light washing. You could treat all your cloths before you come to the Classic and not worry about it while there.
Dane, keep an eye on your tick bites. If they start getting a bulls eye redness about them go to your doctor. The North and North East has a pretty bad Lymes disease problem.