Author Topic: Honeylocust harvest!  (Read 1454 times)

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Offline KShip85

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Honeylocust harvest!
« on: May 07, 2010, 06:28:37 pm »
Finally got around to cutting this one.  I ended up getting more logs than I thought I would.  5 of them ranging from aroud 5 1/2 ft to 7 ft and two more for billets or short bows.  I was surprised how thin the sapwood was on these.  Also not nearly as many thorns as some of the others I am used to seeing.  Was wondering is maybe it was water locust instead as I know the two are close.  Anyway, it's the first time I'd ever seen the heartwood on this stuff sure is pretty.  Wouldn't mind finding a few more trees like this so I could get some wood to make some cabinets out of.  Six of them are laying on the ground and ones in my truck in the pictures.  I've got them sealed now and will hopefully get the rest of them up from the creek this weekend.  Wore myself out just getting them there might need to draft some help to get them the rest of the way.  I'm looking forward to working with this wood and might send some to some of you real professionals when it's dried just to see what a good bowyer can make out of it.  Thanks for looking!


Kip Shipley    Bloomington, IN

Offline hillbilly61

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Re: Honeylocust harvest!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 07:23:53 pm »
Wish I could be there tomarrow to help :( My mother-in-law lives about 45 mins. southwest of ya... It's only an 8 hour drive. ::) Think I could get away with it without the wife knowing >:D
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