Main Discussion Area > Bows

Budding Bowyer (?) @ 71

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Is it OK to post pics of my first bow, even though I got hands on help from a friend (he slapped me on my bald head every time I started to stray from safe procedures -  ;D). Actually that is a rhetorical question, as I'm sure if it wasn't for good friends an willing sharers of info, none of us would ever get started - at any age. Some of you have already seen most of this on other forums (sorr-eeee) but I'm awfully pleased with it - and the help of my friend Mike Brooks.

It is 67" ntn, 40# @ 27" Hickory Backed Massandruba (bulletwood/beefwood), with Brazilian Cherrywood handle and Bloodwood tip overlays. I also added a Cord Wrap on the handle.

 :D It just now dawned on me I haven't even checked how to load pics on this forum - yet. 'scuse me while I go get some school-housing.

Justin Snyder:
ABSOLUTELY!! Lets see some pictures.  Justin

Good to see you over here, Bernie- just watch out for that PatB feller, he's usually up to no good. Looking forward to the pics.

Thanks, guys. I'll watch PatB (I've found him a pretty good ol' boy to watch anyway, and have one of his "Snakey" Sourwood arrows to prove it -  :)) So far all I've found is the thread asking how folks like their pics - fried or scrambled. Can someone tell me where to look, or if it is done like any other of the forums, or sumpin', to start me off?

Oh yeah, that works OK - Here we go -

Continuing (That's a cane arrow w/ wild turkey fletching and rabbit tracer in the pics):


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