The bow is 66" NTN, it is 2" wide from the fades to the levers, and Del, you need to is 43.5 at 26" The levers at right at 14 inches, leaving a 15" working limb and a 9" handle
Ah... but I was measuring in cat pounds

Actually, I was just try to emulate my old mentor a great guy (sadly long since passed) called Jim Butcher.
He looked like a grizzly bear and would act just about as gruff (but it was all show, he was a great laugh)
I took my first decent longbows (English Elm) into work to weigh as they had a big dial scale in the environmental lab.
He happened to meet me on the way in and took hold of the bow (unstrung), he placed one end against his foot and flexed it as if stringing it...
"Hmmm" he said and paused..." 60 pounds" he thrust the bow back at me and strode off.
That lunchtime I had the bow on the scale and slowly drew it back noting down the draw and weight as I slowly drew it back.
Finally I got to 28"...
Yup spot on 60 pounds.
