frank the sinewed bow is a north american style,osage with steer horn on the 46 : from tip to tip.. sinew nocks,,i will most likely paint over the sinew back after shooting the bow forcasting the bow to come out around 60 + # @ 26" or more of draw... it has two layers if sinew combined back and leg tendons..after drying it should be around a heavy 1/4 to 5/16 inch thick backing....
george im putting the sinew on in thick bundles,, with the addition of some fish bladder glue added to the pearl glue the work time has lengthened to around 3 min per bundle.. i still have to move quite fast though,once the jelling of the glue sets in its over as far as movment of the strands,,if the strands are straight in the bundles before their dipped in glue it is far easier to lay them down straight when going to the bow..............james