All hail James ! Hail!!

Dang boy, that is just about slicker than snot on a door knob!

Man that is just absolutely beautiful !!

Look, Eddie really doesn't need that, what with all the traveling he does, and the chemicals he comes in contact with, and all the foreign insects, he probably has inadvertently brought into this country, and into his home, and there just might be a Southern Brazilian, munchecus, muchowoodo beetle, and larvae in his bow room. So, I tell you what I will do, being the good Friend of Eddies,that I am, I will drive up there and pick up the bow for him, and receive the proper instructions on using and stringing, and storing etc., and then, I will store it in Montana, where it is nice and dry, and not all muggy, and damp, like down here. I will see to it, that he gets to look at pictures, I mean, he gets to look at it, and maybe even shoot it, after proper instruction, on shooting with a thumb ring, and stringing, and restringing, etc. Yes Sir, I will do that, now what would be a good day for me to come up and pick it up? Hey, I'm just that kind of a guy, I don't ask for much, and I would do just about anything for my Friends, you know, it's just the way I am, I can't help it. .......
That is one beautiful bow!!!!! I'd dance in the rain for that Bow!