Two completely different designs more than 2000 years apart in time.
The Møllegabet
has very distinct shoulders where the working limbs fade into the static tips. This is the archaeological sketch made of the bow in place in the underwater archeological dig at Møllegabet, which is dated circa 7000 years Before Present. The dark parts indicate the actual recovered wood.

The Holmgård design
does not have defined shoulders, just tapers from the handle fades to the static tips, gradually changing cross-section. This is a photograph of the bow recovered from the Holmgård dig, dated circa 5000 years BP (approximately the same age as Otsi the Ice Man).

Two completely different cultures as far apart in time as we are from the time of Christ. Same design? Not a chance! Same general part of the globe, yes - the Baltic - specifically Denmark.
Neither design is a Viking bow. They predate the Vikings by 4000-6000 years.